Allowing the signer to determine the location of the signature.

In Stiply, it is possible to let the signer determine the location of the signature themselves. This means you don't have to add signature fields to the document beforehand.

How does it work?

It's straightforward. You don't need to adjust your settings to use this feature. You can utilize it by selecting the role 'Place and sign fields' when adding signers. Here's how it works:

  •  Start the sign request as usual.
  • When adding the signer, choose the role 'place and sign fields'.
  • Complete the sign request without placing the signature field.
  •  You can then send the sign request. You don't need to add the signature fields to the document yourself!

Instructional videos

Below are two instructional videos demonstrating how to send a signing request in this manner and how the signer can then sign the document.

Sending a signing request where the signer can place the signature field themselves:

💡Click here for an enlarged version

Signing a document and placing the fields yourself:

💡Click here for an enlarged version