Email from your own domain

To make the signing process as targeted as possible, Stiply has developed an additional service. In addition to applying your own house style and logo, it's also possible to send emails from your own domain. This way, Stiply becomes an extension that communicates in the same way and under the same name as internal systems.

1. The email aligns better with the recipient's experience.

2. There's recognition towards the sender of the document.

3. It's possible to implement a DMARC policy, which enhances email security.

4. Delivery rates improve.

By sending emails from your own domain name, an organization can implement a DMARC policy, providing additional email security.


How does it work?


  1. After approval, we initiate the activation for sending emails from your own domain name. For this purpose, a separate setup is created on a dedicated European mail server.

  2. You will receive an email from our development department containing instructions. This input needs to be added to the DNS settings of your own domain.

  3. Once this is done, please notify us so that we can complete the activation process. After that, you can start using the functionality.