
The Stiply API now supports webhooks. Webhooks are like digital messages for computers. Webhooks allow you to perform automated actions based on events that occur in Stiply, such as when a document is signed, emails are sent or opened, etc. By setting up webhooks, you can link actions to events that occur in Stiply. Webhooks are an improvement over the callback_url functionality, but webhooks will not completely replace the callback_url functionality.

On this page, you can learn more about adding and using webhooks.

Adding Webhooks

Below, you can see how to add webhooks:

💡Click here for an enlarged version


Deleting Webhooks

Below, you can see how to delete webhooks:

💡Click here for an enlarged version


The signing key (signer key)

Here you can see where you can view the signing key of your endpoint. With this key, you can validate the integrity of calls to the registered endpoint:

💡Click here for an enlarged version


API Documentation

Need more information? Our API documentation provides even more detailed instructions on how to set up webhooks yourself. Click here for the documentation and comprehensive information on setting up and how webhooks work.