The address book

What is the address book?

It's possible to create an address book in Stiply. In this address book, you can store the name, email address, and phone number of a contact person. When you create a new signing request and select the contact person, their information will be automatically loaded into the signing request.

How do I activate the address book?

If you go to the settings, you can activate the address book under the "Account" section.

How do I manage the address book?

When you initiate a new signing request, you can manage the address book by clicking on it. Here, you can add a new contact or edit/delete an existing one.

How do I switch off the address book?

Als je weer naar de instellingen gaat kun je op dezelfde knop klikken om het adresboek uit te schakelen. Let wel op! Alle gegevens worden dan verwijderd uit Stiply en zijn bij het opnieuw activeren van het adresboek niet terug te halen.

When you go back to settings, you can press the same button as before in order to switch the address book off. But beware! All the data will then be removed from Stiply and you can't recover them once you reactivate the address book.