Creating e-mail templates in Stiply

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on ''settings''.

3. Click on ''sign requests and e-mail''.

4.Click on ''Email with sign request''.

5. Enter a title that can be used internally to identify this template.

6. Enter the email subject and heading. This will become the subject of the email when it is sent.

7. Enter the email text. This is the message that the recipient will receive.

8. Click on the default checkbox if you want this to be the default email used when sending a sign request

9.Save the email text.

10.If needed, add additional default emails by clicking on the plus icon.

11. While creating a new signing request, you will now see the email text set.

Still having trouble? Use our interactive guide below for creating email templates!

💡Click here for an enlarged version.