Multiple documents

Stiply also supports sending multiple documents in a single signing request. This feature is not enabled by default in your account. If you would like to use this, please send a message to There are no additional charges for using this functionality.


How does it work? Follow these steps:


Step 1: Click on "Create New Signing Request with Multiple Documents" and select the first file you want to use. It's possible to select multiple documents while choosing the first one. You can do this by holding down the "ctrl" key and selecting the documents.

Step 2: You'll enter a new screen. Here, you'll find all the options you're accustomed to when creating a signing request. However, now you're setting these options for the entire signing request (all documents). You can't customize these settings per document. Do you want to add more documents? Click on "Add Document," select the files you want to have signed as well.


Step 3: Add the signatories. Keep in mind that ALL signatories must have a signature field on each document.

The following steps will be similar to the regular process. This process is described on the following page: "How do I send a signature request?"