Sending a signature request via Stiply is straightforward and easy to do.
Step 1: Log in at Login.
Step 2: Click on "New Signature Request".
Step 3: Select a file to offer for signing. This can be a Microsoft Word file or PDF file.
Step 4: In this step, you can add signatories. You can give a few settings here.
Here you can specify the language in which the signatory must handle the signature request. The supported languages are: Dutch, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Danish, Polish, and Swedish.
Here you can enter the email address of the signatory. Are you going to send this person a signature request more often? Then you can save them in the address book. You can do this by clicking on the icon of a person.
Here you can assign the role of the signatory. Stiply knows three roles. Sign, Read Only (CC) & Document Only (DC). A contact person with the role CC doesn't need to sign the document but receives the signed document and updates about the signature request at the end of the signature process. Document Only (DC) only receives the document but no updates about the signature request.
Here you can choose a form of authentication. At this moment, the following forms of authentication are offered: None (email), SMS, iDIN, Direct Debit Authorization, and In person.
Here the level of authentication is indicated. This can be low, substantial, and high. Regardless of the level of authentication, a digital signature is generally legally valid. It may just be that you need a specific level for some documents. Our advice is always to ask an institution that can provide legally valid advice.
Here a message can be entered for the specific signatory.
Here you can enter an email message that is the same for all signatories.
Here internal comments can be posted for other users in Stiply who may have to manage this signature request.
Here you can select a template. You can create this in the settings. This can be useful, for example, if a covering letter always needs to be placed.
Step 5: Now you can start formatting the document. Here are a few different functionalities that can be used.
Signature field: This field is mandatory and each signatory must have a signature field assigned.
Initial field*: This is a field that can be used to put an initial. This is not mandatory for all signatories.
Text field*: This is a free field where the signatory can write.
Checkbox*: This is a field where a checkmark can be placed by the signatory.
Date field*: Here a date can be entered by the signatory.
Signature deadline**: Here a signature deadline can be given. If the signature deadline has expired, the signature request will no longer be able to be signed or opened by all signatories.
Reminder period**: Here you can indicate whether and if so when a reminder of the signature request should be sent to the current signatory.
Attachment**: Here attachments can be added to the signature request. Think, among other things but not exclusively, of the general terms and conditions. When signing, a signatory must agree with this attachment.
Tags: You can speed up the process by adding tags to your documents. Then the Stiply application can place the correct fields on the document with a few clicks of a button. We know the following tags at Stiply:
*These fields can be marked as mandatory or not. You can therefore make these optional for a signatory.
**For these options, you can also set a default choice in the account. Then these settings are automatically taken over in signature requests. You can always deviate from this at the signature request level.
Step 6:Here you get a final overview of all the choices made. Satisfied? Then click on "Send Signature Request".