In the manager portal it is possible to add sub-organisations to your organisation. This way you can split entities and personalize the settings per sub-organisation. This is adviseable if you're using the Stiply Enterprise subscription in an organisation with different brands. For example Unilever is the overarching group, Unilever has different brands such as: Conimex, Robijn, Unox and many more. These "Sub-organisations" have their own salesteam, supportteam, HR-department, etcetera. You would want to split these different organisations to keep it well organized.
The same can be applied to Stiply, Stiply is part of the 4CEE group. This group contains 6 companies:
- ICreative
- Easy Systems
- CoForce
- Diesis
- Stiply
- Tradeinterop
We have made a partial organisation structure of how we would set up our own Enterprise environment:
You can see there is a main organisation: 4CEE, under the 4CEE umbrella there are three companies as "sub-organisations". Each sub-organisation has multiple accounts for their departments and the employers for each account are added as a user.
How to add a sub-organisation: