Account settings and attachements

There is a wide range of account settings that can be customized. These options include:

  1. Settings: Here, you can customize account-level settings.

a. Branding: Here, you can customize the following settings:

   i. Logo: This logo will be visible to signers in signing requests.

   ii. Website: Enter the website of your company, which will be visible to signers in signing requests.

   iii. Brand Color: Set the color that reflects the appearance of communication and the application during signing requests.


b. Account: You can adjust account-level information here.

 i. Account Name: This is the company name that signers will see in signing requests.

   ii. Account Email: This email address can be used as the reply-to address for sent communication.

   iii. Language: Choose the language for the application interface. Stiply supports the following languages:

   iv. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Enforce users to verify with an SMS code when logging into their account.

   v. Address Book: Enable or disable the address book for users in the account. Note that enabling the address book involves storing additional personal data. Disabling it will result in the removal of contacts from all users' address books within a day. Re-enabling it will retain the data.


c. Signing Options: Activate settings that apply at the signer level.

 i. Default Deadline: This is the default signing deadline set for a signing request. Once the deadline passes, the request will be inaccessible for signing or viewing by all signers.

   ii. Reminder Deadline: This is the default reminder deadline set for a signing request. You can specify if and when a reminder email should be sent to the current signer.

   iii. Default Identification: Choose a default authentication level to be pre-selected for signers.

   iv. Signature Methods: Specify accepted signature methods, such as typing, uploading an image, or using a pre-filled signature.


d. Signing Requests and Emails:

i. General Settings: Contact Stiply to activate sending emails from your own domain.

   ii. Email with Signing Request: Adjust settings for information sent when sending a signing request.

    1. Email Sender: Choose whether to use the account's or user's email address as the reply-to address.

     2. Sender Name: Choose whether to use the account's or user's name in the signing request.

     3. Email Subject and Header: Set a default subject line for the signing request email.

     4. Introductory Text: Choose whether to include introductory text in the signing request email.

     5. Default Email Text: Create and edit templates. Marking a template as "Default" will use it as the default email text.

   iii. Email to Extend Deadline: Customize the text sent to a signer when they extend the signing deadline.

   iv. Document to Signer: Customize the text sent to the signer when the document is signed. Additionally, specify whether the document should be offered as a PDF attachment or download link.

   v. Document to User: Customize the text sent to the user when the document is signed. Additionally, specify whether the document should be offered as a PDF attachment or download link.

   vi. Waiting for Signer Text: Adjust the text a signer sees when they've signed, but other signers remain.


e. Direct Debit Authorizations


f. Success Screen: Customize details shown to a signer after a successful signature.

 i. Header: The main message seen by the signer after signing.

 ii. Success Text: Optional extended information to show after signing.

 iii. Show Social Media: Decide whether the Twitter account should be visible on the success screen.

 iv. Twitter Text: Enter the Twitter account username.


*Note: This data is stored locally by the signer and can be deleted by the signer at any time. This data is not stored on Stiply's servers or third-party servers.

2.Manage users: See manage users

3. Manage attachments: This section provides an overview of all attachments stored in the account. You can delete attachments or configure settings for them. The available settings are: Dp not include by default, always include as attachment and always include as terms and conditions.

4.Subscription: In this section, you can view an overview of the currently active products and selected subscription plan. You also have the option to cancel the subscription if needed.

5.E-mandate: See e-mandate.

6. My information: See changing user account information.

7. My Activity: In this section, you can review the login activity of your user account. You also have the option to approve certain IP addresses so that no login activity notifications are provided for them.